Jumat, 25 Juni 2010

How to create a Learning Environment For Media

Environment that exists around our children is one of learning resources that can be optimized to achieve the process and product quality education. The number of learning resources available in this environment is not limited, though generally not intentionally designed for educational purposes. This environment of learning resources will enrich insight and knowledge children because they learn is not limited by the four walls of classrooms, the truth is more accurate Moreover, because children can experience directly and can optimize the potential of our five senses to communicate with the environment. Learning activities may be more appealing to kids because the environment provides a wide range of learning resources and many options. Penchant to learn from an early age is very necessary capital base in order to prepare the community learning (learning societes) and human resources in the future. So many values and benefits can be gained from the environment as a source of learning in education, almost all themes can be learned from the environmental activities

Use the environment as a medium of learning has many advantages. Some advantages include:

* Reduce costs, because it uses objects that already exist in the environment
* Provide real experiences to the students, the lesson becomes more concrete, not verbalistik.
* Because these objects came from students, then these objects will be in accordance with the characteristics and needs of students. It also fits with the concept of contextual learning (contextual learning).
* More applicable lessons, learning materials obtained by students through the media environment is likely to be applied directly, because students will often see things or similar events in their daily living.
* Media environment provides hands-on experience to students. With the media environment, students can interact directly with objects, locations or events really naturally.
* More communicative, because objects and events in the environment students are usually easily digested by students, compared to the packaged media (designed).

By understanding the various advantages, we should be inspired to utilize as much as possible the environment around us to support our learning activities. Our environment and save different types of media sources to learn that almost limitless.

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